There were so many great bloggers this week who bid on my blog, I thought I’d have a really hard time deciding! However, then I noticed a blogger who hasn’t bid on my blog before – Bug from An Indian Summer. Bug is one of the very first people I got to know online (we’ve known each other since . . . 2004 I think), and she is one cool gal. I even think we got into blogging around the same time, LOL. So, it is with greatest pleasure that I ask you to welcome my newest tenant, An Indian Summer! Bug’s got a great personality, blogs what is on her mind, and is funny as all get out. Plus, when she blogs about techie things, she knows her stuff. Please, go check her out!
Here were the stats for the week for The Zero Boss
298 impressions
169 unique impressions
27 clicks
14 unique clicks
Thanks to all the great bloggers who bid for my blog this week: Pond Perspective, The Dutch Files, Blonde Chick Bloggin’, CoolAdzine for Marketers, The life of a neurotic mom, *Forever 17*, the screaming pages, Pathological Indecisiveness, Soapbox Jury, and Say No to Crack.